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Solang Valley-Rohtang Pass


Winter's Solang Valley

              Winter's Solang, on the one hand, is like a secluded picturesque unbelievable place with ice-covered on the banks of the river, and on the other hand, in winter's Solang, there is a lot of fun and games with snow for the tourists. The winter's Solang is another dimension to ordinary city dwellers like us. As soon as leave the hotel, light snow falls on the head like a feather, apple trees, soil, forests, roads all disappear slowly & suddenly everything covered with snow. The next morning the world seemed surprised. Yesterday's snowfall disappeared. The blue sky, the sun shining Solang is in another form. Not everything can be explained. Yes something God gifted.

        On the way to Manali for a holiday, there are two completely important destinations on the route : the Rohtang and the Solang Valley. 15 km away from the main town of Manali, the Solang Valley is one of the most popular attractions in Himachal Pradesh. Located on the way from Manali to Rohtang, the valley invites tourists in enormous numbers each year. A favorite for outdoor lovers, paragliding, horse riding & mini-open jeeps specially available for visitors of all ages i.e., all in the Solang valley. 

        In the winters, the Solang valley is filled with snow-making skiing is a common sport here with training centers and trainers located in the valley to monitor skiers and train beginners. Skiing is taken over to zorbing when the snow melts. Another famous attraction of the Solang valley, taking benefits of the slopes of the valley, is likely to see a large transparent ball, often two people inside, rolling down the slope during the summers.

Rohtang Pass

Rohtang Pass in Summer

            Situated only 47 km from Manali and approx 35km from Solang Valley, the Rohtang Pass can only be visited by road. The Pass is located at a huge height of about 4000 meters on the Manali-Keylong route. A day off to the view of the Rohtang Pass is the primary and almost necessary draw of the itinerary while planning a trip to Manali. Due to its magnificent natural beauty, Rohtang Pass is a favorite of the film directors' culture.

            The impression of snow should never be completed without a sledge ride, which includes sliding through the snow in a cardboard toboggan. Another fun sport that can be tried at the Rohtang Pass is mountain biking, where you ride your mountain bikes off the course and on the lesser paths. You can also try your hand at the skiing and tyre drop at the Rohtang Pass, where you can again slide down the ice slope by using the proper tools.

Best Time to Visit

            Solang Valley can be visited throughout the year. Visiting Solang depends on your purpose. If visitors want to enjoy winter sports, it is advised to visit Solang from Nov to Feb, as the valley is snow-covered during that time of year. Winters are also favourable for the nice weather. The valley, covered in snow, looks gorgeous. In the summers, the valley has mildly hot afternoons, while in the mornings and evenings it continues to be cold. Adventure sports vary depending on the season.  

Snow-Fall Time 

            The crystal ice in Solang begins to appear at the start of December. With the start of the core winter months, the temperature can fall down to-1 °C, with nights being particularly chilly, so it is advisable to carry a lot of woolens & jackets. December to January is the peak season for snow-fall and the perfect time to enjoy adventurous activities.

How to Reach

Air : The nearest airport is Bhuntar, 12 km from Kullu and 45 km from Manali, there are rental cars and busses available to connect to Kullu-Manali.

Road : HRTC (Himachal Road Transport Corporation) operates regular busses from the neighboring states of Delhi, Haryana & Punjab. NH21 links the city of Kullu-Manali to the rest of northern India via Chandigarh. It's a lovely highway with the river Beas streaming on one side and several riverside cafes and restaurants, where seats are set on the shore and visitors, can simply dip their feet in the cool water of Beas and eat their meal.

        Best way reach Delhi by Air or Train first. From there by Volvo Buses (HPTDC-Himachal Pradesh Transport Corporation) reach Manali in one night journey. Buses started at 5-5.30 pm and reach Manali the next morning around 9.00am.

Hotels : Plenty of Hotels available here.

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